Online examination: Double pressure, tendency to change online like, here is the answer.

The Department of Higher Education has asked the state universities to decide whether the upcoming semester exams will be taken offline or online.

Read what they decided 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

At first the pressure was only on the ruling party’s student organization TMCP or the Trinamool Student Council. Later, the Trinamool college-university teachers’ organization Webkupa informed that they also want the upcoming semester exams to be online. Despite initially deciding to take the exam offline, education sources said that the university is now moving towards taking the exam online under the pressure of the student and teacher organizations of the ruling camp. Although many universities have shown a tendency to take online exams, universities like Jadavpur and Rabindranath Tagore are still adamant in offline exams.

The Department of Higher Education has asked the state universities to decide whether the upcoming semester exams will be taken offline or online after a long transition period. Kalyani and Vidyasagar Universities have decided to take the undergraduate level exam online on Sunday instead of taking the exam offline earlier. Part of the education world claims that such changes are due to student protests and pressure from other quarters to demand online exams. On this day, the authorities of Kalyani University called an emergency meeting of the working committee on this issue. Vice-Chancellor Gautam Pal said the meeting decided that the written test at the undergraduate level would be online. Vidyasagar University has also decided to change the previous decision and take the examinations of the upcoming semester of undergraduate level online.
TMCP state president Trinankur Bhattacharya has already requested Education Minister Bratya Basu to take the online test. The TMCP unit of the respective universities also made a written request to the Vice-Chancellors of each university in the state on the same subject. Krishnakali Basu, president of Webcooper, said that this semester’s studies have been severely damaged by the sudden infection of Omicron, one of the variants of Corona. So this time the test should be taken online. In this context, a section of the education community thinks that the authorities of some more universities in the state will follow the path of online examination.
Distance education students of Rabindranath Tagore University have been protesting again and again demanding to take the exam online. But Vice-Chancellor Sabyasachi Basu Roychowdhury said all examinations, including distance education, would be taken offline. According to sources in the education camp, there are doubts as to whether the Rabindranath Bharati authorities will be able to abide by the decision to appear in person at the education center and take the examination in the traditional manner.
Shubhoday Dasgupta, president of the West Bengal College-University Teachers’ Association (Webkuta), said on the day, Unnecessary in higher education and online classes have been made on various pretexts. In the interest of the students, offline classes as well as physical examinations should be ensured while sitting on the campus.
The decision on the method of examination will be taken at Calcutta University this week. The teachers’ association (KUTA) of this university is demanding offline examination. Sankhyayan Chowdhury, general secretary of the organization, said, “Students are not properly evaluated without offline exams. And in the current situation, there is no problem in taking exams offline. ”
Jadavpur University Teachers’ Association (JUTA) is also in favor of offline exams from the very beginning. The university’s examination board has already decided to take the exam offline. Parthapratim Roy, general secretary of JUTA, said in response to the TMCP’s demand for online exams, That test is nothing but farce. We want offline testing. “


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